MEP demands to Include the right to abortion in EU Charter
MEP demands to Include the right to abortion in EU Charter

Members of the European Parliament (MPE) have voted to add the right to an abortion to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, while also denouncing the US Supreme Court's decision to overturn the precedent-setting Roe v. Wade ruling that protected women's reproductive rights.

At the plenary meeting in Strasbourg, France, 324 MEPs voted in favour of the motion, 155 did not, and 38 abstained, as per reports.

A total of 324 MEPs voted in favour of the resolution, whereas 155 voted against and 38 were absent at the plenary meet in Strasbourg, France, the report adds.

Three days prior to the resolution's vote, MEPs discussed the effects of the Roe v. Wade decision on women around the world.

In such difficult circumstances, the resolution expresses "strong solidarity with and support for women and girls in the US, as well as to those involved in both the provision of and campaigning for the right and access to legal and safe abortion care."

In their resolution, MPs claim that women in poverty, women of colour, irregular migrants, and other vulnerable groups are disproportionately affected by abortion bans or restrictions.

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