Delhi Metropolitan Magistrate Kamran Khan passes away due to corona
Delhi Metropolitan Magistrate Kamran Khan passes away due to corona

New Delhi: The situation in the country's capital Delhi is very bad due to the corona epidemic that is wreaking havoc across the country. While the corona infected figure is setting a new record every day, the death toll is also increasing every day. Now a Metropolitan Magistrate in Delhi has succumbed to corona. Metropolitan Magistrate Kamran Khan has died due to corona.

According to reports, Metropolitan Magistrate Kamran Khan Corona posted at Dwarka Court in Delhi was infected. Corona infected Kamran Khan was admitted to a private hospital by family members after his health deteriorated. Kamran was put on a ventilator given his critical condition. Metropolitan Magistrate Kamran Khan could not be rescued and succumbed to his injuries during treatment.

Tell us that the number of corona-infected people in Delhi is continuously increasing. During the last 24 hours, new corona cases have been registered in Delhi in 20201. 380 corona infected people have also lost their lives during this period. At present, there are 92358 active cases of corona in Delhi. So far, the total number of corona infected people has crossed 10 47,000.

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