Mexico Exit Polls: Claudia Sheinbaum Set to Become First Woman President
Mexico Exit Polls: Claudia Sheinbaum Set to Become First Woman President

Mexico City: In a historic victory, Claudia Sheinbaum, the frontrunner and former mayor of Mexico City, is poised to become Mexico's first woman president, according to exit polls released following Sunday's election.

Pollsters indicated that Sheinbaum, 61, secured approximately 56% of the vote, decisively outpacing her main rival, businesswoman Xóchitl Gálvez. While Sheinbaum's party, Morena, has already claimed victory, Gálvez has urged her supporters to await the official results expected on Monday.

The election, marred by violent attacks, also saw voters electing all members of Mexico's Congress, governors in eight states, and the head of Mexico City's government. More than 20 local candidates were reportedly killed across Mexico during the campaign period, with two people killed in attacks on polling stations in Puebla on Sunday.

Sheinbaum, a scientist who led Mexico City from 2018 to 2023, enjoys the endorsement of the outgoing president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Mario Delgado, president of López Obrador's party, described her anticipated win as a "stellar moment in the history of our country."

López Obrador, in power since 2018 and unable to seek re-election due to term limits, has thrown his full support behind Sheinbaum. Despite some unfulfilled promises, his efforts to alleviate poverty and assist elderly Mexicans have been popular, contributing to an approval rating nearing 60%.

While Sheinbaum has emphasized her independence from López Obrador, she has pledged to build on his administration's achievements, which include lifting millions out of poverty and doubling the minimum wage.

Xóchitl Gálvez, Sheinbaum's main opponent from the "Strength and Heart for Mexico" coalition of opposition parties, has criticized rising violence and emphasized a tougher stance on crime. She has pledged to improve police pay and boost security investments while promising to strengthen democratic institutions.

The election results are set to be announced on Monday, and the winning candidate will assume office at the end of September.

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