Great relief to refugees, Turkey opens its border for people
Great relief to refugees, Turkey opens its border for people

On Sunday, the United Nations Migration Organization said that Greece's border with Turkey had gathered 13,000 people. The United Nations says that this situation has arisen after the announcement of the opening of the European border for migrants and refugees on Turkey's western border. This situation has arisen with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's decision to open the borders of his country with Europe. It is believed that the Turkish President has announced the opening of borders to pressure European countries on the Turkish problem.

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On Saturday, Greek authorities released tear gas shells to control more than 4,000 people crossing the border into the oysters. Greece's Deputy Defense Minister Alkividis Stephanis said local broadcaster Sky had crossed the Greek border during Saturday to Sunday night. Stephanis said that all its efforts were thwarted.

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Earlier, several dozen migrants had succeeded in entering Greece. Greek officials said they arrested 66 migrants on Friday. Of this, 17 were sentenced to jail for illegally entering the country. It consisted mostly of Afghan migrants. On Saturday, Greece arrested another 70 people who tried to cross the land border illegally.

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