Hundreds of vehicles stuck in NH8 highway, facing bad monsoon
Hundreds of vehicles stuck in NH8 highway, facing bad monsoon

Due to heavy rains in the Indian state of Tripura, the NS8 highway has closed badly. Hundreds of vehicles, including long-haul trucks carrying bad food items and essential goods, have been stranded here for at least four days, where the situation has deteriorated since the onset of the monsoon.

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The road condition on NH 8 between Pachrathal and Kumaraghat in Unakoti district deteriorated due to rain. Due to heavy rains flowing through the surrounding hills, the entire road was covered with mud. Where the vehicles are not able to come. At this time the country is already struggling with the Corona crisis. The fifth phase of the lockdown of Coronavirus is going on in the country. At present, more than a thousand infected cases of coronavirus have been reported in Tripura. The death toll has been 1. Talking about the whole country, then the number of infected people has crossed three lakhs, while the number of people who have died has reached 9 thousand.

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No cure has been found for this virus spread from Wuhan, China. All people have been advised to take precautions. To prevent this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has imposed a lockdown in the country. Not only India but the whole world is struggling with the corona crisis. At present, more than 200 countries are battling this virus. America is most affected by this virus. The death toll has crossed 1 lakh 12 thousand. After this, Brazil, Russia, UK, India, Italy, and Spain are the most affected countries. No effective treatment has been found so far for this deadly virus. Emphasis is being laid on keeping social distancing to all people.

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