MUMBAI: The Mumbai police have set up 20 teams to track down and apprehend the assailant who attacked Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan at his upscale Bandra residence. Officials revealed that the intruder stabbed the actor during a break-in attempt and fled the scene. Investigators are reviewing CCTV footage of the suspect, who was armed with a wooden stick and a sharp Hexa blade.
The incident took place at the ‘Satguru Sharan’ building, where Khan resides. The 54-year-old actor sustained six stab wounds, including one to his neck. Following an emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital, doctors have confirmed that he is out of danger but remains under medical care.
CCTV footage, recorded at 2:33 am, shows a young man wearing a brown collared T-shirt and a red scarf descending the stairs from the sixth floor. Police believe he may have entered Khan’s apartment, located on the 12th floor, with the intent to rob the premises.
Apart from Saif Ali Khan, a 56-year-old nurse, Eliyama Philip, who lodged the complaint, and a domestic worker were also injured in the attack. Police suspect that the intruder gained access to the apartment sometime during the night without breaking in.
Authorities have been questioning the building’s security guards, house staff, and other individuals connected to the case. Based on CCTV evidence, the attacker is thought to have changed his clothing after the incident to avoid being identified.
Doctors at Lilavati Hospital have described Khan’s survival as miraculous, revealing that a 2.5-inch piece of the blade had to be removed from his spine. Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif’s wife, appealed to the media for privacy as their family copes with this shocking incident.
The Bandra police have begun interrogating two individuals who were working on the terrace of the actor’s building. It is believed that the attacker had knowledge of the building’s layout, using the stairs and shafts to access the 11th floor unnoticed.
Investigators noted that the suspect was last seen on the sixth floor, captured by a resident’s CCTV camera while descending the stairs. Interestingly, the intruder avoided the lobby’s cameras, suggesting he was aware of their placement. However, his face was clearly captured as he inadvertently glanced at a camera while entering.
The search for the attacker continues, with police analyzing every lead to ensure justice is served.