Muslim Mob Set on Fire Siddhivinayak Temple in Pakistan
Muslim Mob Set on Fire Siddhivinayak Temple in Pakistan

In a gruesome incident, Siddhivinayak temple in Bhong city of Rahim Yar Khan District of Pakistan’s Punjab was vandalised by a Muslim mob on Wednesday. The mob desecrated the idols in the temple and then set the temple on fire. The video of the attack has gone viral on different social media platforms.

“Attack on Hindu temple at Bhong City District Rahimyar Khan Punjab. The situation was tense since yesterday. Negligence by local police is very shameful. Chief Justice is requested to take action.”,- Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani, parliamentarian of the ruling Imran Khan Niazi’s party Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, posted.

The Hindu minorities in Pakistan relentlessly live in fear. There have been many instances of kidnapping and forced conversion of Hindu girls. They are married off to Muslim men.

A report by the Centre for Democracy, Pluralism and Human Rights , released in April, said “Fake rumours of desecrating the Quran or defaming Islam and the Prophet are spread. Minorities and their families are terrorized, subjugated and converted through this draconian law”, reported Times Now.

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