National Technology Day 2024: What You Need to Know
National Technology Day 2024: What You Need to Know

National Technology Day is a day marked to honor the brilliance and dedication of scientists, engineers, and innovators who drive our country's technological advancements forward. This year, on May 11, 2024, we celebrate this significant day once again.

Date and Theme

This year, National Technology Day falls on May 11, 2024, which happens to be a Saturday. The Technology Development Board (TDB) selects a theme each year to focus on during the celebrations. For 2024, the theme is "School to Startups - Inspiring Young Minds to Innovate." This theme aims to encourage young minds to unleash their creativity and explore the world of innovation, guiding them towards the exciting journey of starting their own ventures.

History and Significance

The origins of National Technology Day trace back to May 11, 1998, when India conducted successful nuclear missile tests under "Operation Shakti" at the Pokhran range. This historic achievement positioned India as the sixth nation globally to possess nuclear capabilities.

Prompted by this milestone, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee directed the celebration of National Technology Day from the following year onwards. Since then, it has become an annual event dedicated to showcasing India's strides in scientific exploration, technological advancements, and innovative solutions.

During National Technology Day celebrations, the government also announces the recipients of the prestigious Rashtriya Vigyan Purashkar, or National Science Awards. Additionally, various seminars, conferences, and exhibitions are held across the nation, highlighting India's prowess in the technological landscape.

As we observe National Technology Day 2024, let's acknowledge and appreciate the tireless efforts of our scientists, engineers, and innovators who continue to propel India towards a brighter and technologically advanced future. This day serves as a reminder of our nation's commitment to fostering innovation and embracing the limitless possibilities of technology.

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