New device to detect brain tumour through urine
New device to detect brain tumour through urine

TOKYO: A group of scientists in Japan have developed a brand-new tool to detect a crucial membrane protein in urine that can determine whether a patient has a brain tumour.

Using nanowires at the base of a well plate, a research team led by Associate Professor Takao Yasui and Professor Yoshinobu Baba of Nagoya University in Japan and the University of Tokyo has created a new analytic platform for brain tumour EVs.

With the aid of this tool, they were able to recognise the extracellular vesicle (EV) membrane proteins CD31 and CD63 in urine samples taken from patients with brain tumours. If doctors examine for these tell-tale proteins, they might be able to spot cancer patients before they exhibit any symptoms.

A person may have a brain tumour if they have extracellular vesicles (EVs) associated with tumours in their urine. Nanoparticles known as EVs carry out a number of tasks, including cell-to-cell communication.

In order to isolate and then detect EVs, current EV detection methods need more than two instruments and an assay, said the researcher Yasui.

The crucial membrane protein, which is found in urine, may also be used to identify brain cancer, obviating the need for invasive tests and improving the chances that tumours will be identified early enough for surgery.

Blood tests are intrusive, but liquid biopsy can be carried out utilising a variety of bodily fluids, according to Yasui. Because the urine contains so many important biomolecules that can be used to track the disease's origin, he continued, "Urine tests are an effective, straightforward, and non-invasive procedure.

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