Decorate your house with this floral rangoli on Onam festival
Decorate your house with this floral rangoli on Onam festival

The festival of Onam is very special for the people of South India. Onam is a festival which is also called the festival of crops and flowers. This festival is celebrated with great pomp in South India, especially in Kerala. Let us tell you that this day is celebrated by wishing for a good harvest. Along with this, it is believed that specially Pokalam i.e. flower rangoli designs are made in all the houses on Onam to welcome King Mahabali.

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Let us tell you that in South India and especially Kerala, on the onam and any big festival, Rangoli of flowers is made and not only this, there is a tradition of making Rangoli on Diwali in North India. Now today we are going to show you pictures of some flower rangoli, by seeing it you will be able to decorate your house with beautiful and colourful rangoli. This picture is of the rangoli of flowers, which is made in the homes on this day so that the king of Asuras can be welcomed.

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Let us tell you that on this day the kings of Asuras come to the earth and go to the homes of the people, therefore, to make them happy, Rangoli is made which is of flowers. So let's see these pictures.

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