Pak-Based Terrorist Threatens Large-Scale Train Derailments in Delhi, Mumbai, and More
Pak-Based Terrorist Threatens Large-Scale Train Derailments in Delhi, Mumbai, and More

A video from Pakistan-based terrorist Farhatullah Ghori has caused alarm by urging his followers to orchestrate train derailments in major Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai. The video, which has gained traction on Telegram, details methods to "cripple infrastructure" by targeting railways and other critical supply chains.

In his three-minute message, Ghori urges for disrupting petrol pipelines, logistics chains, and railways to incite chaos. He also called for attacks on Hindu leaders and police, encouraging his followers to experiment with various tactics to find the most effective means of causing disruption.

The video has alarmed intelligence agencies, who are now examining recent incidents like the placement of cement blocks on railway tracks in an apparent attempt to derail a Vande Bharat train. Ghori, who has been on the most-wanted list, previously gained notoriety for his alleged involvement in several attacks, including the 2002 assault on the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar.

Ghori, who is originally from Hyderabad, has been under surveillance by Indian agencies since he was designated a terrorist in 2020. Despite this, he has continued to operate from Lahore. His recent video activity raises concerns that it could be part of a broader strategy by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to provoke unrest and distract from Pakistan's financial obligations under international scrutiny.

The video has been circulating for 1-2 weeks and highlights the ongoing threat posed by extremist elements operating both domestically and internationally.

In March, Ghori attracted attention by releasing a video calling for war against India, purportedly as part of an ISI-supported initiative. Although the Indian government designated him a terrorist in 2020, Ghori has continued his activities from Lahore, Pakistan. Intelligence agencies now believe that his increased visibility may be a component of a larger ISI strategy to create discord and disrupt communal harmony in India.

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