Panther creates panic, 3 villagers badly injured
Panther creates panic, 3 villagers badly injured

The Panther injured two people. One injured has been admitted to the Troma Center of SMS and the other to NIMS. After about five hours of effort by the forest department team, the panther was tranquilized on this matter.

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The whole matter descended from the hills and entered a panther at Rundal village at 10 am. After which the panther reached close to the farmer couple watering a wheat field. After seeing the panther so close, his senses flew away and he started running away from there. The villagers gathered there within minutes after making their noise. Due to a large number of villagers and their chaos on this matter, the panther was suffering for some time. At the same time, the Panther attacked the villagers after remaining quiet for a while. Panther injured Deepak Dussad's sons Sadhu Ram and Rajendra Dusad with his attack. Another villager Pawan Ragri was also injured. The panther left them after the villagers made a noise. Rajendra Dussad was admitted to SMS Hospital and Deepak was admitted to Nims Hospital.

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This panther has been hiding in the wheat field. As the crop is large, he keeps disappearing from the eyes again and again. Due to this, the Forest Department team had difficulty in tranquilizing him. After about one and a half hours of effort, Panther could be tranquilized. The forest department team took him to Nahargarh sanctuary.

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