"Parenting involves disciplining and guiding your children" says Shruti Panwar

Punyashlok Ahilyabai has consistently garnered a lot of admiration from viewers for its compelling storyline. The programme tells the inspiring story of a noble queen named Ahilyabai Holkar who used her wisdom to bring prosperity and peace.

The current episode of the programme revisits an intriguing event in Ahilya Bai's life, "Sanskaar dene wali maa se zindagi denewali matoshree ka safar," which altered the course of Malwa's history for all time. The show's pivotal character Gautama Bai, played by actor Shruti Panwar, is of the opinion that parents should make the right investments in their kids at the appropriate times.

Although Gautama Bai had a soft spot for her son Khanderao and felt uneasy about Ahilya being around him, things have changed now. For Malerao and Mukta bai's sake, she does not want Ahilya to be forgiving. Although Gautama Bai is a devoted grandmother, she is also strict with her young charges because she wants them to learn responsibility and discipline. To prevent them from doing the wrong thing or going in the wrong direction, she thinks restrictions should be put in place.

Shruti comments on the subject, saying, "It's surreal to have had the chance to relive such a legend's glorious life. There is a lot to discover, take inspiration from, and instil. The plot shows Gautama Bai as being strict with her grandchildren while also maintaining equilibrium. I think it's important for parents to exercise some restraint with every freedom they grant their kids. A little bit of discipline can go a long way toward motivating them to behave well. One of the most difficult and rewarding jobs in the world is parenting, which involves guiding and correcting your children. To their kids, parents are like friends... It is crucial to share sharing is very integral... and this I say being a parent in Real life."

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