Passengers Endure Extreme Heat as Flight's AC Fails, Forced to Fan Themselves Onboard
Passengers Endure Extreme Heat as Flight's AC Fails, Forced to Fan Themselves Onboard

In a bid to save time, many people opt to spend generously on expensive flight tickets. While some endure flights lasting 2 to 3 hours comfortably seated, others brave longer journeys spanning 10 to 12 hours. However, what would happen if the aircraft's air conditioning were to malfunction during such a flight?

Sports Massage Therapist Shares Concerning Video

Sports massage therapist Garth Collins recently shared a video on his social media accounts featuring Thai fighter Damien Collins visibly struggling with profuse sweating onboard a flight. Meanwhile, fellow passengers were seen fanning themselves in discomfort. According to reports from The Mirror, travelers were instructed to disembark and await further directions in the terminal building at Athens International Airport.

Collins reported observing passengers grappling with the heat in another video onboard a different flight, where they resorted to using the in-flight magazine to fan themselves.

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