New Delhi: The Supreme Court will hear the petitions related to the Pegasus espionage case on Friday (February 25). Earlier, the court had fixed Wednesday for hearing in the matter, but on the appeal of the Solicitor General, the top court has extended the date of hearing. Also, Chief Justice (CJI) NV Ramana asked the Solicitor General to inform all the parties in this regard. In fact, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta had told the court that he was very busy with other matters on Wednesday and hence had sought postponement of the hearing.
Let us tell you that the Pegasus espionage case was brought to the apex court for hearing on 23 February. The court had on October 27 constituted a three-member committee, headed by former Supreme Court judge Justice RV Raveendran, to probe the matter. The court had heard the matter in October last year. At that time, the court ordered a three-member panel of cyber experts to be set up to investigate allegations of using the Israeli spyware Pegasus to monitor certain people in India.
A bench of CJI NV Ramana, Justice Surya Kant and Justice Hima Kohli listed 12 PILs for hearing on February 23. But now the new date has become 25 February. These include petitions by the Editors Guild of India, journalists-N Ram and Shashi Kumar. During this, the report can also be reviewed, which was asked to be filed by the Supreme Court-appointed panel.
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