People born on this day are lucky
People born on this day are lucky

According to Numerology, the week from 02 to 08 September can bring many changes in your life. Know how your love, career, business and education will be ups and downs during this week, according to your birth number. Also, some effective remedies have been given for this week which can improve your luck.

Radix 1 (Mulank 1)

Those who are born on 1, 10, 19 or 28, their root number is 1.

This week, love life is going to be great for people with number 1. The relationship between you and your love partner will strengthen. If you are doing a job, then this week will be a good time for you and it will also be beneficial for those doing business.

Remedy: Recite “Om Bhaskaraaya Namah” 19 times daily.

Radix Number 2 (Mulank 2)

Those who are born on 2, 11, 20, 28 or 30, their root number is 2.

This week will be good for people with number 2. You will be satisfied in your love relationship and will get success in your job. You may also get more profit than expected in business. However, take care of your health this week, as you may have a problem of headache.

Remedy: Recite “Om Chandraya Namah” 20 times daily.

Radix Number 5 (Mulank 5)

Those who are born on 5th, 14th, or 23rd have the number 5 as their root number.

This week will be lucky for people with number 5. Your understanding with your love partner will increase and you can spend good time together. Students' hard work will pay off and they will get good marks. Your important decisions in business will take you forward.

Remedy: Chant the mantra “Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay” 41 times daily.

Radix Number 9 (Mulank 9)

Those who are born on 9th, 18th, or 27th, their root number is 9.

Wisdom will increase in the love life of people with number 9. You will be able to understand your partner better. Students can start a new journey and there is a possibility of getting promotion in job and career. You will be full of enthusiasm this week.

Remedy: Recite “Om Bhaumaaya Namah” 27 times daily.

This week, you can see positive changes in your life by following the advice and remedies given according to your birth number.

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