These 5 planets can change the zodiac in February this year, Here's how the result will be
These 5 planets can change the zodiac in February this year, Here's how the result will be

The month of February of this year has started and many planets are going to change their zodiac at the beginning of this month. Apart from these changes of planets, many changes will be seen in people's lives. This month 5 out of 9 planets i.e. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus are changing their zodiac signs. The effect of this zodiac change of planets will be seen on all the 12 zodiac signs.

These zodiac changes of these planets will begin on February 2. Zodiac change of these planets is going to happen in the month of February - Venus planet - On the night of February, Venus planet is going to change its zodiac sign and this planet will enter Aquarius and enter Pisces. After staying in Pisces for a few days, the planet Venus will again change its zodiac sign on the 28th of February and enter Aries. Lunar planets - This month, the lunar planets are also changing their zodiac sign and this planet will enter Aries sign on the night of February 2 from Aries.

On the morning of February 5, the lunar planet will leave Taurus and enter Gemini. According to astrologers, the lunar planet will change its zodiac sign every two and a half days thereafter. Mars - Mars will enter Sagittarius on February 7. At present, this planet is in Scorpio. Due to this change of Mars, every zodiac sign will be seen. Sun planet - Sun planet will enter Aquarius on February 13. At present, this planet is in Capricorn. Kumbh Sankranti will be celebrated when Sun enters Aquarius, which will be on the day of February 13, the planet Mercury is presently in Aquarius and according to astrology, this planet will be retrograde on February 17. Other planets in their own sign And the zodiac sign of these planets is not going to change. The planet Jupiter will remain in Sagittarius and will not change its zodiac sign.

Saturn is in Capricorn at this time and will remain in this zodiac for many years. Rahu is in the Gemini sign and Ketu in Sagittarius. Keep the grahas in such a way that these changes of your favorable planets do not affect your life, so that you should take these measures. Worship the lunar planet and donate white things on Friday. Offer milk on Monday on the Shivling for the planet Venus. For the Sun planet, get up early in the morning and take a bath and offer Arghya to the Sun. By doing this, this planet will be favorable to you. To keep Mars calm, offer red gulal and lentils on Shivling. Worship Ganesha for the planet Mercury and offer Ganesha to Durva on every Wednesday. To make Guru Graha favorable for you, offer gram dal and gram flour ladoos on Shivling. Worship Hanuman for Shani, Rahu and Ketu.

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