New Delhi: On demise of Veteran B-Town actor Kader Khan, PM Modi poured in condolences to great actor of Hindi Cinema. He was known for his flawless comic timing. He took his last breath on wee hours of Tuesday. He said good bye to world at age of 81.
PM Modi taking to Twitter handle paid his last respects to epic comedian of Hindi Cinema as saying ,” Kader Khan Ji brightened the screen with his stupendous acting skills and lightened it thanks to his unique sense of humour. He was also a prolific screenwriter, associated with many memorable films. Saddened by his demise. Condolences to his family and admirers”.
The famous actor was admitted to a hospital in Canada where he was surviving with his son Sarfaraz and daughter-in-law for the past few years. The final rites of the ‘Haseena Maan Jayegi’ actor will be held in Canada.
As soon as the sad news of Kader Khan’s death floated fans of Hindi Cinema and Bollywood celebs took to Twitter to pay their last respect to the actor. Amitabh Bachchan, Paresh Rawal and filmmaker BVS Ravi also mourned the death of one of the finest gems B-town.
“Thugs of Hindostan “ acttor Big B, who had earlier prayed for Kadar Khan's recovery poured in his condolence on the micro-blogging site Twitter.
''Kadar Khan passes away .. sad depressing news .. my prayers and condolences .. a brilliant stage artist a most compassionate and accomplished talent on film .. a writer of eminence ; in most of my very successful films .. a delightful company .. and a mathematician !!,'' Big B tweeted.