PM Modi: India Meets Paris Green Energy Goals Nine Years Early
PM Modi: India Meets Paris Green Energy Goals Nine Years Early

India has met its Paris Agreement targets for green energy a full nine years ahead of the 2030 deadline, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced. At the International Conference on Green Hydrogen, Modi praised India's substantial advancements in non-fossil fuel energy and solar power.

Modi noted that India is among the first G20 nations to achieve its Paris commitments ahead of schedule. He emphasized the critical role of green hydrogen in reducing industrial carbon emissions and called for global collaboration to improve infrastructure and production in this field.

"Climate change is not a distant issue; it is affecting us right now," Modi said. "The time for action is now."

Highlighting India's achievements, Modi revealed that the country has increased its non-fossil fuel capacity by 300 percent over the past decade. Additionally, solar energy capacity has surged by over 3,000 percent in the same period. Despite these successes, Modi stressed that India is not resting on its laurels. The country continues to strengthen existing solutions and explore new, innovative approaches to green energy.

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