'PM Modi is one of the most powerful people on earth,' British MP praises fiercely
'PM Modi is one of the most powerful people on earth,' British MP praises fiercely

London: Lord Karan Bilimoria, a British MP of Indian origin, has praised PM Narendra Modi and India. Lord Karan Bilimoria has said that PM Modi is one of the most powerful people on this planet. At the same time, he said India is the fastest growing economy in the world today and the UK must be India's partner and close friend. He said this in the House of Lords during a debate on the 'Importance of Britain and India Relationship' on Thursday (19 January).  

Lord Karan said, 'Narendra Modi sold tea at his father's tea stall in his childhood. Today he has become one of the most powerful men on this planet. Today India has the presidency of the G-20. Today, India has a vision to become the second largest economy in the world with a GDP of $32 trillion within 25 years.' He further compared India to an express train that has left for its destination. He said, 'Indian Express has now left its station. It is now the fastest growing train in the world. The fastest growing economy. Britain must be a reliable and close friend of India.'

Let us tell you that British MP Bilimoria has praised PM Modi and India at a time when British media agency BBC has released a propaganda documentary series against PM Modi. He has served an anti-India agenda in the documentary 'India: The Modi Question' made by BBC with the intention of tarnishing India's image. In this, PM Modi has been blamed for the Gujarat riots. Whereas, the Supreme Court of India has given a clean chit to PM Modi in the Gujarat riot case.

At the same time, a case is also going on against Teesta Setalvad, a Congress close aide, for fabricating fake evidence against PM Modi regarding the Gujarat riots. It is alleged that Teesta fabricated evidence against the then CM Narendra Modi by taking money from Congress and tried to topple his government.

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