Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao going to pair for the first time in horror-comedy movie title 'Stree'. Recently their crazy photos from the sets of their movie-going viral. Have a look. The two sang Dil Se Re and gave it a quirky twist. Shraddha took to Instagram to share a video from the sets.
Not much is known about the characters. A while back, a report in a leading tabloid suggested that Shraddha's character will have a few supernatural elements to it while Rajkummar will be seen playing the role of a tailor.
Speaking on the movie Shraddha, he said, "I feel that she was itching to do a comedy for while. And I feel her look and the way she is performing in this film is fantastic. I feel that with this film she will be remembered."
Duo's upcoming movie stree is based on an urban legend set in a small village named Chanderi in Bhopal. About the plot, he had said, "This is a pure home bred horror-comedy based on characters. It is based on characters in a small town called Chanderi. It's based on an urban legend. I just these things excited me... With Golmaal Again what it's done it the genre that is waiting to be further explored."