Rajya Sabha Passes Cinematograph Amendment Bill 2023 To Curb Film Piracy
Rajya Sabha Passes Cinematograph Amendment Bill 2023 To Curb Film Piracy

NEW DELHI: The Rajya Sabha today, July 27,  reportedly passed the Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill 2023 to combat film piracy, overhaul age-based certification offered by the Central Board of Film Certification, and provide consistency in categorizing films and material across platforms.

The newly passed Bill introduces a provision for the establishment of additional certificate categories based on age. Films holding an 'A' or 'S' certificate will be required to obtain a secondary certificate for television or any other media platforms specified by the Central Government. Moreover, the Bill strictly prohibits unauthorized recording and screening of films, making any attempts to do so a criminal offense.

Presenting the Bill in the House, Anurag Singh Thakur, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, emphasized the rising global recognition of Indian cinema and its remarkable contribution to the world of filmmaking.

Commending the achievements of Indian films and documentaries at prestigious events like the Oscars, the Minister proudly mentioned how the film "RRR" and the documentary "The Elephant Whisperers" have brought honor to the nation on the international stage.

However, the Minister also criticized the opposition for their disruptive behavior during House proceedings, accusing them of being against the country's development of soft power and the film industry. He firmly believes that this Bill will prove beneficial to all stakeholders in the film business.

Pointing out the advantages of the Bill, he highlighted its potential to curb piracy, which has been causing significant financial losses to the film industry and leading to job cuts. Additionally, he asserted that the legislation will effectively prevent unauthorized film recording and streamline the licensing process.

During the debate on the Bill, Dr. Prashanta Nanda of the BJD stressed the substantial economic toll of piracy, resulting in both employment and financial setbacks for the film sector.
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