Rally in America in support of citizenship law, thousands gathered at Times Square
Rally in America in support of citizenship law, thousands gathered at Times Square

Washington: The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is being opposed in some areas of the country as well as abroad. At the same time, now people have started to hit the road in support of this law. Rallies and marches are being held in support of the citizenship law in the country as well as abroad. Overseas Indians also marched on Times Square in the US in support of this law.

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The NRIs supported the citizenship law by taking placards in their hands. Along with this, he also mentioned the bad treatment done to minorities in Pakistan. Earlier, people of Assam origin outside the Indian embassy in London shouted slogans opposing the Citizenship Amendment Act. The protesters said that it is based on religious divisions and religious divisions.

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He said that we have stood firmly with our Assam families. We want our voices to be heard. The protesters said the Assamese culture and economy are threatened by the new act. We do not want any immigration laws. The economy is not fit to withstand immigration. The basis of this law is religious.

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