Know interesting facts about Ramprasad Bismil
Know interesting facts about Ramprasad Bismil

Today i.e. June 11 is the birthday of Ramprasad Bismil. On this special occasion, we are going to tell you about the interesting aspects of his life. Apart from the revolutionary of the Indian independence movement, Ramprasad Bismil was an excellent poet, skilled multilingual translator, historian as well as a litterateur. He was his surname, which is an Urdu word, which means spiritually hurt. Ramprasad Bismil also wrote with the name Rama and unknown. Freedom fighter Bismil was born on 11 June 1897 in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh. His father's name was Muralidhar and his mother's name was Moolmati. His father was a Ram bhakta, due to which he was renamed as Ramprasad. Seeing the horoscope of Bismil, astrology predicted, "Although the chances are very low, if the life of this child is saved in any way, then no power of the world will stop him from becoming the Chakravarti Emperor."

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Bismil did not show interest in childhood in reading the alphabet of Hindi, after which his early education was started in Urdu. After failing in the middle school examination, he started studying English. He got knowledge of the method of worship by one of his priest neighbors, and his scholarly influence was also reflected in Bismil's personality. He followed brahmacharya in his life and gave up bad habits by adopting exercise etc. After this, his mind started to feel better in studies and he came in fifth place in English.

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For India's independence, at the age of 19, Bismil took his first step on the path of revolution. In his revolutionary life of 11 years, he also wrote many books and by publishing it, he used the money received to buy weapons. After hearing the news of his brother Parmanand's execution, Bismil vowed to destroy the British Empire altogether. In the Mainpuri conspiracy, 6 youths of Shahjahanpur were arrested, whose leader was Ramprasad Bismil, but they could not get the hands of the police. Bismil remained underground for 2 years after its conspiracy was decided. Like a rumor, he was also considered dead. He then took refuge in a village and did his writing work.

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