Royal Enfield's Make-it-Yours keeps on the successful go
Royal Enfield's Make-it-Yours keeps on the successful go

Royal Enfield’s Make-it-Yours software platform has helped create demand between 80% and 90% for all its products, says CEO Vinod Dasari. He joined the motorcycle maker from Ashok Leyland in April 2019 and has committed to introducing one new model every quarter over the next five years.

Mr. Dasari said, “A buyer can use the MiY platform to choose, for example, from among 5,00,000 permutations and combinations, to order the Meteor model. So much so that, you can design your own motorcycle and we would put your name on it and ship it out to you." Highlighting the three-pronged approach the company is using to pursue growth, he said Royal Enfield would significantly ‘enhance its products’ and offer a range to meet different aspirations of customers. Local lockdowns driven by the pandemic had definitely impacted the company’s supply chain. Mr. Dasari said that the supply problems were suffered in the Pune-Aurangabad belt and in the long run, they will surely look at alternatives nearby. The Ceo to a query said that less than 5% of Royal Enfield’s supplies came from China. He pointed out that the company’s Studio Store concept, introduced 18 months ago, had found favor with its rural clientele.

“During the pandemic, demand pull-up from tier 3 towns was faster than from tier 2,” Mr. Dasari said. The company had originally aimed for 200 such compact-format stores but has seen the count touch 800 now. “Even amid the pandemic, we added 133 in the second quarter ended September.” In September, the motorcycle maker had shown marginal year-on-year growth of 1% in total sales. Year-to-date sales have declined to 35% in the April-October period, compared with a 41% shrinkage in April-September this year.

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