Sarmishtha Mukherjee criticises Pranab Mukherjee's visit at an RSS event
Sarmishtha Mukherjee criticises Pranab Mukherjee's visit at an RSS event


ranab Mukherjee, the former president of India, was scheduled to address an RSS event in Nagpur on Thursday. His daughter and also the Delhi Congress spokesperson Sharmistha Mukherjee, placed her opinion, publicly, a day before [wednesday]. Sarmishtha said that it would encourage the dirty tricks of BJP, and would also eventually promote the saffron ideology. The Delhi Congress spokesperson, on her twitter handle, stated: “Hope @CitiznMukherjee now realises from today's’ incident, how ‘BJP dirty tricks dept’ operates. Even RSS wouldn’t believe that u r going 2 endorse its views in ur speech. But the speech will be forgotten, visuals will remain & those will be circulated with fake statements.” Sarmishtha, who has been silent regarding the controversy, allegedly expressed: "@CitiznMukherjee (Pranab Mukherjee's Twitter handle), by going to Nagpur, you are giving BJP/RSS full handle to plant false stories, spread false rumours as today and making it somewhat believable. And this is just the beginning!" From “rumours”, Sarmishtha tried to refer to the conjectures which hinted towards her joining BJP. Congress has been trying really hard to convince Pranab Mukherjee for withdrawing from his visit to the RSS Head-quarters. Also read:

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