If you also see snakes in your dream, you have Kalsarp Dosh
If you also see snakes in your dream, you have Kalsarp Dosh

There are many people in the world who repeatedly fall victim to an accident and blame it to others. But sometimes all these symptoms also indicate the occurrence of Kalsarp Yoga in the horoscope. There are some other symptoms that give information about Kalasarp. Today, we are going to tell you some such measures through which relief from the problem of Kalasarp can be found.

It is said that if Kalsarpa Yoga is there in the horoscope of a person, then the person has nightmares. He remains troubled without any reason. People see snakes in their dreams. With this, such people mostly see the death of someone in their dreams. Such people do not get success even after working hard.

According to astrologers, if there is a fault in the horoscope of someone, then the number of his opponents' increases. If you want to get rid of it, then you can flow some coal in the flowing water on Saturday because by doing this, the troubles caused by Kalsarp are reduced. With this, if the coconut and lentils are thrown into the flowing water, then the Kalasarp defect is removed.

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