Video: After seeing the talent of these school children, you'll also tell to send them to the Olympics!
Video: After seeing the talent of these school children, you'll also tell to send them to the Olympics!

A stunning video of school children has been going viral on the internet for the past several days. You will also be surprised to see a variety of talents in children. Video of some schoolchildren is going viral, whose acts will surprise you. In this viral video, two schoolchildren are showing off their gymnastics skills while walking on the road. Let's show you these videos.

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According to this viral video, the first boy performs a somersault, and then the girl does a double somersault and comes down beautifully with a full balance that ordinary people can't easily do.

The children, who are seen in the school uniform, have not only done easily but also have a bag on their shoulders. Despite the bag, their balance did not decrease.

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This video is being widely shared on social media. There are also comments from users. People have shared this video urging the Sports Ministry to focus on the two children who may be able to light up India's name at the Olympics when they get professional training.

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It is also seen that government school children are highly-talented who only need support to get ahead of it.

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