Several habits which may or may not be good for an "INTROVERT"
Several habits which may or may not be good for an

We often meet with many people in life’s path, with some of them we feel comfortable while, with others we might be not so friendly. There comes the idea about people who do not speak much frequently those people are called "introverts"

We also might have heard the fact that "one who does not think before speaks, is foolish"













But, this is not true in case of INTROVERTS.

Introverts never speak before thinking but, it doesn't mean that introverts are considered as intelligent and extroverts are not. Sometimes it’s good for them to think and speak but not always because , sometimes they get stuck to their thought and cannot clear whatever the queries arises in their mind . Its better to have a specific ask to them even in group meeting that gives them a chance to open their doubts , queries or feelings.

People around us are attention seeker, they always want society to observe their job and appreciate it. Whereas, introverts are not so interested in seeking limelights. But while it comes  their to performance they rarely show it to others which let their talent hidden.

Moreover, we are in the scenario where there is competition for each small things. This kind of behavior may cause effect on their rank too.

"They always listen carefully except only interrupting"













Introvert people always listen to each and every point and then move to the conclusion. They never bear interrupting behavior which may lead third person to disgrace out of the topic . It is beneficial for boss or interviewers to have such kind of behavior thus, interviewee could have comfortable environment to speak with.

"Introverts do not evoke negative emotions in others"














It sound too good but it doesn't exactly mean to which it actually refers to. Introverts may not generate  negative emotions in others but they may generate it in their self. How ????? when circumstances slips from our hold then if we cannot handle it according to our own way then it would be irritating for us to cop-up with it.

Happy Sharing !!!

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