Sudden weight loss may cause heavy illness
Sudden weight loss may cause heavy illness

The sudden gain and Lose of weight can cause trouble. Because even if you're not doing weight loss workouts, you still need to pay attention to it if your weight gain has started happening. Today we're going to explain the reason why a sudden weight loss can cause great trouble. Sudden weight loss are symptoms of serious diseases in the body.

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Diabetes is a metabolic problem in which your body has high blood sugar levels. There can be two reasons for this, either if your body is unable to produce insulin or that your body is unable to react to insulin, or both of these can be caused.

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Repeated urination, excessive thirst, increased appetite, weight gain (type 2 diabetes), sudden weight loss (type 1 diabetes), fatigue, loss of wound quickness and numbness of hands and feet.

Depression is a mood deterrence that for several days feels sadness, discomfort, anxiety or irritability.

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More or less sleep, problems in focusing, negative thoughts, feelings of despair, feeling helpless, irritability, suicidal desire and a sudden and very high weight event.

More Active Thyroid
Thyroid gland hormones produce thyroid that control the body's metabolism. For example, your heartbeat, how quickly you burn calories and digestion. They also control calcium levels in the body. When thyroid glands produce too much thyroid, that condition is called hyperthyroidism.

Strong and irregular heartbeats, increased sweating, sudden weight loss, early inhalation, panic attack, fatigue, mood swing etc. However, not all of these symptoms appear. Some may even see less

Inflammation in the intestine
This disease is also called IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). It causes inflammation in the intestines leading to abdominal pain and also malnutrition.

Diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps, reduced g, weight loss, blood and ulcers in the stool.

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