Simple tips to Flatten the Belly!
Simple tips to Flatten the Belly!

We all want that flat toned tummy don't we? What really increases the tummy size and makes us bloat up

These 5 Simple Tips Can Help Flatten Your Stomach

Decrease Salt

Salt is beneficial for health, but if you are eating an excess of salt then you will retain more water and this could lead to an imbalance of salt and water in the body. Eating processed foods leads to excess of sodium which is very bad for that belly and bloating.

Drink Water

Drinking water helps release stored cellular fluids. We need water for every process in the body. Drinking water will help you get that flat belly once again!

Stop the Fizz

Stop those carbonated drinks which are very bad for your belly bloating up. Fizzy drinks takes up residence in the intestinal track and this leads to gas. If you have an issue with your belly bloating just give up the fizz!

Skip Fake Sugar

Stop the artificial products like chewing gum, diet sodas, candies, sugar substitutes and protein bars. These create gas and make your belly bloat up. So, if you're looking to trim down your belly size just reduce the fake sugar.

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