After winning battle from Corona patients returns home
After winning battle from Corona patients returns home

On Wednesday, 58 people returned home after winning the battle from Corona in Indore. On Wednesday, 58 Corona positive patients from Aurobindo Medical College were discharged after recovering. Among them, 6-year-old Mohammad Omar was roaming on the back of grandmother. Omar, his grandmother and other relatives also came to Corona positive. For about 15 days, he is admitted in Aurobindo. This family of Bombay Bazaar is now gradually becoming corona free. In this case, Mohammad Omar's grandmother told that her daughter-in-law and granddaughter have not recovered. So they are both admitted in the hospital. Omar and I have become infection free, so now Omar will be with me for a few days.

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24 patients from the index and 10 patients from Choithram Hospital returned home after recovering. On Wednesday, three patients, who have been discharged from Aurobindo Hospital 58, Index Hospital 24, Choithram Hospital 10, Aurobindo Hospital, have recovered from plasma therapy.

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Kapil Dev Bhalla, Aneesh Jain and Priyal Jain have returned home after recovering. A 76-year-old elderly too was discharged from Aurobindo Hospital on Wednesday. Among the patients discharged were a 76-year-old elderly. He told that some members of his family also met Corona positive.

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