Sleeping immediately after a meal is harmful, know reasons!
Sleeping immediately after a meal is harmful, know reasons!

Food is beneficial for our health, but sometimes food can harm us a lot. It can also make you sick, but not like this. Rather, it happens when you eat more heavy food at night and then fall asleep immediately then it starts inviting diseases. If you too fall asleep immediately after having dinner, then it is making you sick. Not only this, even if you do it during the day, it is harmful to your health.

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If you also go to sleep immediately after eating, you may suffer from acidity and irritation. Tell that immediately after eating, sleep slows down the process of digestion. After eating food, the body starts digesting food. The gut makes acid to digest food, and if you go to sleep immediately after eating, then this acid comes out of the stomach and reaches the food pipe and part of the lungs and this causes irritation.

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Sleep after eating food, but late-night sleep begins to break down. If this process happens every day, it starts disturbing sleep. This happens because food gets stored in the stomach and digestion slows down. If you fall asleep immediately after eating food, then your food does not digest properly. The reason for this is that most of the body parts become stable after you sleep and stop working. In such a situation, the process of digestion is interrupted during sleep, which causes problems in digesting food.

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