Spinach Kofta is delicious; try it
Spinach Kofta is delicious; try it

Spinach contains plenty of iron which is helpful in increasing our blood level. However, if you are hesitant to eat spinach, then today we are telling you the spinach Kofta.

So let's know how to make spinach Kofta.

Ingredients: Cornflour-three tablespoons Paneer -200 grams (mashed) Whole cumin - 1/4 teaspoon Pepper Powder - 1/2 Tablespoon Salt-by taste For Filling - Cashew Pieces - 5 Ghoya - 50 grams Raisin - 10 For gravy Spinach - 250 grams (boiled and grinded) Ghee - One big spoon

Method: To make Kofta first, mix the Kofta's ingredients well and split it into ten equal parts. Now fill the ingredients in each part thoroughly and mix them. Now heat oil in a pan and heat it. After the oil is well heated, deep fry the stuffed koftas. Now heat the ghee in the second pan. Then add spinach paste and a little water and prepare the gravy. Put a kofta in a gravy when it comes to a boil. After that, let the koftas cook for two minutes on low flame. Serve it hot.

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