Andhadhun Director to make movie on French novel
Andhadhun Director to make movie on French novel

Directed by Sriram Raghavan, 'Adhardhuan' has performed superbly at the box office last year. Not only in India, but also in China, the film has earned a lot of money. While the film's story was strong, Ayushman's acting made everyone crazy. The director also garnered a lot of praise because of this brilliant direction. So now there's a big news about his next project. 

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According to the report, the filmmaker has finally locked the content, which is set to be based on the story of his next film. According to the report, the film is scheduled to be based on the French novel 'Bird in a Cage' written by Friederic Dar in 1961. This story will be based on a book that can be amazing. Further, no specific information has been revealed.

VIDEO: This Actress was seen playing with Lions, Bears and Crocodiles!

Knowing this news, it can be said that the story of this thriller-filled novel has excited Raghavan. For his fans, this news is nothing short of a gift. Now we have to see when the film starts and who can be the lead actor in the film.




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