Ex-Punjab DSP and Dera Head Sentenced to 12 Years in Drug Smuggling Case
Ex-Punjab DSP and Dera Head Sentenced to 12 Years in Drug Smuggling Case

A Mohali court sentenced former Punjab police Deputy Superintendent of Police Hakikat Rai, Dera head Bikram Nath, and their accomplice Swaran Singh to 12 years of rigorous imprisonment for drug smuggling. The judge also fined each convict ₹1.5 lakh. The Special Task Force arrested the trio in March 2018 for smuggling 15 kilograms of opium and seized a .32 bore revolver and 18 rounds of live ammunition. Acting on a tip-off, the STF stopped a car near Tanna village and found the opium and weapon.

During questioning, Bikram Nath revealed he was instructed to obtain opium for a habitual user at a dera and later worked with Rai and Singh.The three individuals devised a plan to smuggle opium from Jharkhand, where it was available at a lower cost. They would then sell the opium at inflated prices to addicts within the dera, capitalizing on the demand.

The case highlights the persistent challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in combating drug smuggling, particularly when individuals in positions of influence and authority are implicated in such illicit activities. The convictions serve as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and strict enforcement to curb the trafficking of narcotics.

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