Supreme Court to organise Five-Days' special Lok Adalat Next Month
Supreme Court to organise Five-Days' special Lok Adalat Next Month

Supreme Court to Organize Special Lok Adalat for Amicable Settlements: The Supreme Court of India will be conducting a special Lok Adalat from July 29 to August 3, 2024, aimed at resolving pending cases through amicable settlements. This initiative coincides with the apex court's 75th anniversary since its inception on January 26, 1950, under the Constitution.

Lok Adalats are an integral part of the country's judicial system, promoting alternative dispute resolution to expedite and encourage amicable settlements, as stated in a release by the Supreme Court.

"In the 75th year of its establishment, the Supreme Court of India is organizing a Special Lok Adalat from July 29, 2024 to August 3, 2024, to facilitate amicable settlements of suitable pending cases," the statement read.

The Supreme Court emphasized its commitment to ensuring accessible and efficient justice delivery for all sections of society. The Special Lok Adalat will specifically address cases involving settlement aspects, such as matrimonial disputes, property disputes, motor accident claims, land acquisition, compensation, service, and labor matters, currently pending before the apex court.

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