'Target killing of Hindus is happening', says Supreme Court lawyer amid discussion of Kashmir files
'Target killing of Hindus is happening', says Supreme Court lawyer amid discussion of Kashmir files

New Delhi: Lawyer Sai Deepak J in the Supreme Court has raised the issue of targeting Hindus in Karnataka during the ongoing discussion on 'The Kashmir Files', a film on the massacre of Kashmiri Pandits. He alleged that Hindus are being targeted and killed in Karnataka. He gave the example of Kashmiri Pandit Satish Tikku in January 1990. The terrorist Bitta Karate had later admitted that he had killed Satish for being a pandit and being associated with the RSS.

Sai Deepak J, meanwhile, cited the example of the murder of Harsha, who was killed during a hijab dispute in Karnataka. He said that in Kerala and Karnataka, the killings of some people have taken place only because they are Hindus. On February 20, 2022, Harsha was murdered by wielding a knife in the Shivamogga district of Karnataka. The murder, Harsha had gone out to eat with friends. Before the murder, he had posted a post on Facebook about the hijab controversy going on in Karnataka.

The supreme court said, "There is no point in it that the killings of people belonging to THE BJP, BJYM and RSS should be treated as separate incidents. This is being done under a well-thought-out conspiracy. That is why those who committed this organized crime and those who are behind it should be severely punished. Harsha and other such murders should be dealt with under the IPC as well as the 'Karnataka Organised Crime Control Act, 2000 (KCOCA)'. '

"We cannot allow the recurrence of the Kashmiri Hindu genocide in any part of the country. But he said that in Karnataka, Kerala and West Bengal, the threat is the same, the mentality is the same and the tactics are also being adopted. He asked whether these states should not identify such crimes and take action before it is too late. He asked that one after another murders should take place and we should keep adding strings to them, how long will this last?

J Sai Deepak has also said that when we do not fix the present and history, then what is the use of knowing and understanding history? "Understanding history is not an academic process, it should be real. He said it is absolutely necessary to give compensation to the victims' families, but such crimes should be curbed. The advocate expressed hope that the awareness that has come from 'The Kashmir Files' will change the attitude of society and governments.''

The supreme court's counsel said, "Along with the imposition of KCOCA in these cases, action should also be taken under the UAPA in the case of the killings of Hindu activists like Harsha." This is general and worth doing advice. By raising their voice for their interests, Hindu society can pay the price. I would also like to mention the killing of Mahalingam in Tamil Nadu. The Coimbatore-Salem region continues to be a stronghold of jihad. It should not be surprising that there was a bomb blast here in 1998.''

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