Telangana: Legislature gives nod to the revenue bill
Telangana: Legislature gives nod to the revenue bill

Revenue Act has been into discussions since the day it was introduced. Chief Minister KCR on Monday said the new Revenue Act attempts to preserve 96 percent of the lands in the State that had clear titles and recognized that it would be ill-advised to put off the radical land reforms brought in by the State government just on account of the four percent of lands that were under lawsuit or had irregularities.

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The CM said, “Let us first protect the lands with clear titles from any irregularities in the future. The remaining lands which have issues are minimal that can be tackled later.” He said replying to the review on four Revenue Bills in the Legislative Council. The Bills were later passed collectively by the House.

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Speaking at length about the new Revenue Act, the Chief Minister outlined the development of the issue of land rights and change of titles during different regimes right from the rule of Mughals and how the Patel and Patwari system had been removed. Pointing out that the Village Revenue officers (VROs) system, which was destroyed by his government prior to the awakening of the Bills, was brought in 2007, he said after the formation of the State in 2014, land rates in Telangana had sky-rocketed across the State leading to clandestine operations and the emergence of land mafias.

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