The "Final Stage" of the "Strategic" Russia-Iran Cooperation Agreement has been reached

Iran: Iran on Thursday pledged to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as the SCO summit began in Uzbekistan. Before the summit ends, it is anticipated that the Islamic Republic will be formally accepted as a member of the Eurasian Political, Economic and Security Bloc.

According to President Vladimir Putin, work on a new cooperation agreement between Russia and Iran that will elevate bilateral ties to a strategic level is almost over.

"Russia and Iran are close to completing a new, important agreement. The signing of this treaty will usher in a new era of strategic relations between our countries," Putin said Thursday while speaking outside with Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi. , SCO Summit.

According to Putin, relations between Russia and Iran are progressing on all agreed paths.
He also mentioned that a large delegation of Russian officials, including representatives of about 80 large Russian companies, will visit Iran next week.

Putin recalled that the last time a large delegation of Russian officials visited Iran in May, they were surprised and impressed by the state of development in the country's high-tech sector. They weren't ready for it, to be honest. He said that our congratulations to you and me too.

Intra-regional relations are on the rise. In the international arena, we are actively cooperating, and on many issues, our position is similar, or as diplomats would say, coincidental. Putin said

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was praised by Putin as a result of his personal support for several joint Russo-Iranian projects. “The support we get from him in the future is something we are interested in.

The Russian president pledged that he would use all his influence to see that Iran is accepted as a full member of the SCO and that the initiative is supported by Russia's allies in the coalition. Iran will join this important, large and authoritative international organization, he said, leaving only one final formality. Putin continued, "And we are very happy with that.

For his part, President Raisi stressed the "strategic importance" of relations between Tehran and Moscow and said both countries were able to counter the effects of Western sanctions.

"The development of our cross-border relations is something we take seriously. Our relationships are strategic in nature; they are not generic. Political, commercial and economic cooperation, as well as between the space and aerospace industries, can all continue !” said the Russian.

With regard to the sanctions imposed on Russia, he declared, "We do not and will never recognize these sanctions, and we will strengthen and develop our relations with the Russian Federation in the trade and economic sphere.

Raisi emphasized that Iran never left the nuclear deal negotiating table, and by doing so showed the world that the US side was incapable of negotiating. Everyone believes that the EU is also in a passive state and unable to fulfill its obligations because they are in breach of all obligations.

The Iranian President thanked his Russian counterpart for supporting the Islamic Republic's application for membership in the SCO and emphasized that Iran's future membership in the grouping would be beneficial to both Tehran and the organization as a whole.

In recent years, Russia and Iran have intensified their strategic cooperation in many areas. Trade between the two countries grew by 81 percent in 2021; This increased by an additional 30 percent in the first five months of 2022.

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