Woman jailer gave heart to prisoner, even Judge also shocked after the disclosure
Woman jailer gave heart to prisoner, even Judge also shocked after the disclosure

Recently, a strange incident came to light in which a female jailer fell in love with a prisoner in her own jail. A woman jailer in love smuggled several iPhones for the prisoner. There was a lot of talk between them. The jailer also used to inform her lover about when the checking would take place in the jail so that the smuggling goods could be hidden. But now this jailer, herself is serving her sentence inside the jail.

The same female jailer, Emma Johnson, was sentenced to 15 months in prison by Derby Crown Court (UK) Judge Jonathan Bennett and has also been fired from her job. Emma's incarcerated boyfriend, Marcus Solomon, was also sentenced to 13 months. The judge said in his judgment, 'I can confess that you have fallen in love with the prisoner, but the jailer does his job with pride. When trust is abused in this manner, it is necessary that such persons should also be punished.'

The same judge also said that the prisoners are using the phone even though Parliament has declared it a crime. Mobile phone smuggling has happened in big numbers. Due to cross-examination in court, it also emerged that there was a lot of talk between jailer Emma Johnson and prisoner Marcus Solomon. Marcus used to sell mobiles inside the jail after smuggling. The money earned from this went to Johnson's account. The messages of both were produced in the court, in which it was clear that both were talking about buying and selling different types of iPhones.

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