These symptoms start appearing in the body after the child is conceived
These symptoms start appearing in the body after the child is conceived

Most women planning pregnancy wait for their periods to be missed, as this is considered the most common sign of pregnancy. After this, they confirm it by doing a pregnancy test. But, this is not the only way to confirm pregnancy. After conceiving, many such symptoms can be seen in the body of women, by which pregnancy can be detected. Let's know about such 6 early symptoms...

1. Light bleeding

When the egg is fertilized and attaches to the lining of the uterus, some blood cells may burst during implantation. This may cause slight bleeding, called implantation bleeding. This bleeding is very light and may cause mild cramping in the lower abdomen.

2. Vomiting and nausea

During pregnancy, women may feel nauseous or vomit when they wake up in the morning. This symptom can occur at any time of the day. The reason for this is hormonal changes. If this symptom is felt continuously, then it would be good to get a pregnancy test done.

3. Changes in the breasts

Many changes can be seen in the breasts during pregnancy. There may be heaviness, swelling, and pain in the breasts. The color of the nipples may become darker and changes can be seen in the skin around the nipples. All these symptoms can be early signs of pregnancy.

4. Fatigue and weakness

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause fatigue and weakness. If you feel extremely tired along with a missed period, this could be a sign of pregnancy.

5. Frequent urination

If you are urinating frequently after missing your period, this can also be a sign of pregnancy. The size of the uterus increases during pregnancy, which puts additional pressure on the bladder and can cause frequent urination.

6. Cramps

Early pregnancy symptoms can also include cramping. This may be due to increased blood flow to the uterus. Although some women may attribute it to PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) or regular periods, such cramping is normal in pregnancy. It is important to understand these symptoms and get a pregnancy test done at the right time. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your doctor and get a test done to confirm the pregnancy.

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