"Chinese Retail Tycoon Introduces 'Unhappy Leave' Policy to Prioritize Employee Well-being"

Chinese retail tycoon Yu Donglai introduced a novel policy called "unhappy leave" for his company's employees aimed at fostering a better work-life balance. Under this policy, employees are allowed to request an additional 10 days of leave if they're feeling unhappy, with Yu emphasizing that everyone experiences periods of unhappiness, and it's better not to come to work during such times. This leave cannot be denied by management, as per the company's employment policy, and any denial would be considered a violation.

The company's employment policy also entails employees working only seven hours a day, having weekends off, and enjoying 30 to 40 days of annual leave, along with five days off during the Lunar New Year. Yu emphasized the importance of promoting a healthy and relaxed lifestyle for employees, stating that the company's aim is not to grow big but to ensure the well-being of its workforce. Freedom and love were highlighted as crucial values by Yu, who further announced a job-level certification system where even a janitor could earn up to 500,000 yuan annually based on their professional capabilities.

The changes introduced by Yu Donglai received positive support from users on Chinese social media platforms, with many expressing a desire to work for his company due to its employee-friendly culture. A 2021 survey on workplace anxiety in China revealed that over 65% of employees feel tired and unhappy at work. Yu Donglai had previously criticized the culture of long working hours among Chinese bosses, condemning it as unethical and detrimental to employee growth.

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