Bollywood film actress Katrina Kaif is all set to tie the knot today. Vicky and Katrina are going to take seven rounds at Six Sense Fort Barwara in Sawai Madhopur. Fans were eagerly waiting for the wedding and finally the day has come when Katrina will become Mrs Kaushal. Fans are not waiting to see Katrina Kaif in a bridal couple.
The Bollywood actress looks the most different and beautiful on her wedding after which she joins the trend. It is not yet clear which designer's lehenga Katrina Kaif is going to wear at her wedding. But according to reports, she is going to wear a lehenga designed by Sabyasachi. According to reports, Sabyasachi himself has selected the fabric for Katrina's wedding lehenga. Katrina Kai Lehenga's fabric is going to be silk. However, it is yet to be decided that Katrina is going to wear Sabyasachi's lehenga. Because of the NDA, even the designers are not disclosing it.
Fans are waiting to see Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal in the wedding couple. According to the report, Katrina has not confirmed any designer yet. According to sources, she is trying lehengas of different labels. But no one has made the final. Katrina Kaif's wedding couple is going to be a surprise for the designer himself. Because they don't even know yet if Katrina is wearing her designed lehenga. This has been done because of NDA. Katrina's only stylist knows what and which designer she is going to wear. According to reports, Vicky and Katrina had twining at the mehndi event. While Vicky wore a mahun coloured sherwani, Katrina also wore a bean-coloured lehenga and had a pink flower on it. Katrina and Vicky's look was loved.
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