Beer hair mask will give volume to hair
Beer hair mask will give volume to hair

In today's time, girls are seen troubled by the constant breakage and loss of hair. Every girl wants her hair to be thick and strong. Today we are going to tell you a new solution. By adopting this remedy, you can keep your hair strong. You must have seen Jacqueline Fernandes' long hair. The secret of her beautiful hair is beer. She washes her hair with beer. Now if you feel your hair is thin and lifeless, then you can use this hair mask made of beer to bring volume to it, which we are going to tell you today. If you are looking for a home remedy to strengthen hair at home, then you can apply a hair mask made of beer.

# Coconut oil and onion formula is considered a boon in hair growth. On the other hand, if you mix the carbonated form present in the beer with the acidic form of onion, then it will strengthen your hair. To make this mask, you can grind onion and add beer and coconut oil to it. After that, apply this paste to the hair roots. Now wash it after half an hour. This mask is very effective for hair growth. Apart from this, it also has other benefits.

# You must be aware that by applying egg, your hair becomes strong and silky. Now if you mix it with beer and apply it, it will give volume to your hair. Beat it by mixing yellow part of the egg and beer together. Now after beating it well, apply it on the hair and wrap it with plastic. Then after half an hour wash off with any mild shampoo.

# If you have split ends and damaged hair, then you can make a paste by mixing banana, egg, honey and beer and apply it on the hair. After that wash the hair after one to two hours.

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