Know what happens after death, remember nothing last rite
Know what happens after death, remember nothing last rite

According to our Hindu civilization and religious texts and Puranas, a person only sacrifices his body, his soul is immortal who never dies. The soul leaves one body and assumes another body. With this, you may be thinking that if a person's soul is immortal, then why does he not remember anything about his past birth, why he forgets everything.

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The same person forgets the last birth: After the death of a person, the cranial action is considered special when performing the last rites. Apart from this, after giving the fire to the body, most of the body is burnt in a fire. A lota is tied in it by tearing it slightly from the middle.

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The Gita is circled by putting ghee in the lotus tied in that bamboo. When the circumambulation is complete, then put the ghee in that lotus on the dead body and with the help of that bamboo, the head of that body is broken. The main reason for performing the action is that the head part of the person is more rigid which is broken through the cranial action so that that part is completely consumed. It is believed that if a person leaves the memory of his past life in the mind of this man is saved from the person's head part if burning her face several types of sufferings.

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