Chant Hanuman #NAME?, today the day will be even more special for the people of this zodiac
Chant Hanuman #NAME?, today the day will be even more special for the people of this zodiac

In today's time, there is no one who does not want to start his day with a good morning and his horoscope, in such a situation, we have brought for you the horoscope of today i.e. 28 September 2024...

Aries- Take special care of your health. Avoid anger. Chant Hanuman ji's name.

Taurus - The day is weak in terms of relationships. Take special care of your stomach, back and legs. Donate grains.

Gemini- Take special care of your mother's health. Do not quarrel with the elders of the house. Avoid infection. Drink lukewarm water. Chant Om Gan Ganpataye Namah.

Cancer- Avoid anger. Be careful about your speech. Spend money wisely. Donate milk.

Leo: Take special care of your health. Luck is good. Pending work will move forward. Do not harm anyone. Offer water to the Sun.

Virgo- Time is good. Luck is on your side. Be careful of fire, chemicals and sharp objects. Donate moong dal.

Libra: The day is not very good from the financial point of view. Transact money wisely. Take special care if you have any problem with head or eyes. Chant Om Rudraya Namah.

Scorpio - The day is good. Especially good for students. Do not fight with elders. Be careful about health. Donate rice and turmeric.

Sagittarius - The day is not very good from the health point of view. The pending work will move forward. Start the day by taking blessings from the elders.

Capricorn- Be careful if you have eye or throat problems. Drive carefully. Donate 5 fruits.

Aquarius- Luck is good. Move forward thoughtfully. Do not upset the elders. Take care of valuables. Chant Om Narayanaya Namo Namah.

Pisces - Do not argue with friends and family members. Try to keep your mind calm. Control your anger. Take special care if you have any problem between the stomach and thighs. Donate milk.

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