Today Mauni Amavasya's third royal holy dip at Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj
Today Mauni Amavasya's third royal holy dip at Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj

PRAYAGRAJ: On Monday morning, Thousands of devotees from various parts of the world braved the cold and fog to take a holy dip in the Sangam - the confluence of three holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna and the mystical Saraswati - on the occasion of "Mauni Amavasya". However, lakhs of devotees started arriving at the Kumbh Nagar from Sunday and the entire place bustled with frantic activity as men, women, old and young, seers, religious leaders, and spiritual gurus led their disciples into the third royal bathing of Kumbh this year.

Here, Thousands of devotees also took holy dip on the ghats of river Ganga in Varanasi and other cities on the occasion. Heavy security arrangements have been made to ensure that there is no unpleasant incident.The Kumbh Mela administration said that adequate security arrangements have been made in and around the Kumbh Nagar not only to ensure that no subversive element slipped into the crowd but also to guide the thronging millions and ensure their safety as they go to the river to take a dip.

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According to the time table and sequence worked out by the Kumbh Mela Administration, Panchayati Akhada Mahanirvani will be the first in the order to go to the rivers to take the dip at a round 6:15 AM.

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