Tragic Road Accident Claims Six Lives Near Hassan
Tragic Road Accident Claims Six Lives Near Hassan

Bangalore: In a tragic incident near Hassan this morning, six individuals, including a child, lost their lives in a road accident, as reported by the police on Sunday. The accident occurred when the car they were traveling in collided with a truck on National Highway 75, leading to devastating consequences.

According to police sources, the deceased comprised two women, three men, and a child. All individuals, except the driver, were identified as members of the same family from Chikkaballapura. Reports suggest that they were returning from Mangaluru when the unfortunate accident took place, highlighting the sudden and unforeseen nature of the tragedy.

The bodies of the victims have been swiftly shifted to the hospital for further procedures, while authorities work to inform and support their relatives during this difficult time. Police have initiated necessary protocols by registering a case, and investigations are currently underway to ascertain the exact circumstances and factors contributing to the accident.

This heartbreaking incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers and risks associated with road travel, emphasizing the importance of adhering to traffic regulations and exercising caution while on the road. As the community mourns the loss of precious lives, efforts are being made to provide assistance and support to the affected families, while authorities strive to prevent such accidents in the future through enhanced safety measures and awareness campaigns.

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