These harmful pests damage crops, know how to protect them
These harmful pests damage crops, know how to protect them

In today's time, harmful pests invade crops. Today we are going to tell you the names of those harmful pests that are supposed to harm the crops and how to protect them from them.

The names of harmful insects-
Red Mites 
White Grubs 
Cutting Kit 

Leaf Miner 
Pod Borer

Aphids - It sucks the juice of cells with its prickly and sucking mouth and it emits a substance on the leaves which later appears like a black-coloured fungus.
Cutworm - These overloads are not eaten, these shearing kits attack new plants at night and cause a lot of damage.
Leaf Minor - The maggot or worm makes tunnels inside the band and folds the lamina or sheath and dries the leaf.
Jassids - It sucks juice from the leaves and due to this, the leaves turn yellow in colour and start turning. Not only this, but because of this, the leaves start burning.

Biological measures for prevention of harmful crop pests -

An Antibiotic is a type of chemical substance. It is formed by certain microorganisms (e.g., fungi, bacteria) and it slows down or eliminates the growth of other harmful (e.g., microorganisms that cause disease) microorganisms. Some antibiotics are as follows: Penicillin and Terramycin.

Benefits of Biological Control- Talking about the benefits of biological control, it is that once established, it is permanent, self-sustainable and does not involve expenditure moreover it is safe and insects are never resistant to the biological control of agents.

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